Alisha Womack
Alisha is our book-loving travel guru! During Alisha’s spare time she most likely has a book in hand! If not that, then she’s planning her next travel adventure. So far Alisha’s been to Scotland, Ireland, Alaska, Hawaii, 3 out of the 4 corners of the US, the Bahamas, Mexico, and Belize. We can’t wait to see where she chooses to go next (We will keep you updated)! If you ever want to put a smile on her face, bring her some Chinese food. She can’t turn it down (can you blame her?), it’s her fav! Like many people in our office, she’s got a couple of animals. A lab/husky/healer mixed pup named Gertie and a fluffy orange and white tabby cat named Prince Pumpkin. If you ever stop by the office, make sure to say hi to Alisha and ask her for a good book recommendation 😊